================================ Mail setup on django using Gmail ================================ Create an Application specific password --------------------------------------- + Visit your [Google Account security page](https://www.google.com/settings/security). + In the `2-Step Verification` box, click `Settings` (if there is no settings link, you may want to create a new one. you can skip step 3 & 4). + Click the tab for `App-specific passwords`. + Click `Manage your application specific passwords`. + Under the `Application-specific passwords` section, enter a descriptive name for the application you want to authorize, such as ""Django gmail"" then click `Generate application-specific password` button. + note down the password. for example: `smbumqjiurmqrywn` ![password][1] Then update `settings.py`: -------------------------- :: EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'your-username@gmail.com' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'Application spectific password(for eg: smbumqjiurmqrywn)' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True You can use the shell to test it: --------------------------------- :: python manage.py shell >>> from django.core.mail import send_mail >>> send_mail('Test', 'This is a test', 'your@email.com', ['toemail@email.com'], fail_silently=False) [1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/fNxSx.png"