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A Charitable Contribution

Dedicated to achieving global sustainable development, agents have partnered with Binance Charity Foundation to improve the transparency of philanthropic donation and to expand the use case for cryptocurrencies.

We also want to reward hunters who are willing to donate and help others. From this Sunday 2019 June 30th 11:59pm GMT-4, Eastern Time, New York Time, whichever team donates the most during the following week will be able to claim one key. 4 keys in total will be given (key 1: June 30th 11:59pm - July 7th 11:59pm, key 2: July 7th 11:59pm - July 14th 11:59pm, key 3: July 14th 11:59pm - July 21st 11:59pm, key 4: July 21st 11:59pm - July 28th 11:59pm, all in GMT-4, Eastern Time, New York Time).

You can select a specific project that you are interested in or donate to the general Binance Charity Wallet at https://www.binance.charity/project-lists in BNB/BTC/ETH.

To indicate the team to which you are affiliated, please DO NOT donate anonymously. Instead, choose “Donate Openly”, so your contributions can be tracked. You can choose to donate as an individual or on behalf of your team, and use “satoshistreasure/team name(required)/individual name(optional)” as your Full Name. If you don’t have a team or choose to donate as an individual, you can choose a name “satoshistreasure (required)/your name (required)”. Please note that only donors whose names are with the prefix “satoshistreasure” will be tracked as participating in this game.

Lastly, after you make the transfer to the charity wallet, you need to submit your TXID and your email address (the email address is REQUIRED for us to send the key if your team/you ends up winning: example).

To find more hunters to team up with, join our telegram group: t.me/satoshistreasure

All satoshistreasure-related donation information will be published on Twitter weekly. Winners will be announced each Monday on both Twitter and email. Keys will be distributed to all hunters in the winning team via email.