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Time & Space

Several keys have been placed at various locations around the world:

1) Guatemala - World Key available now (14°50'01.9"N 91°31'11.2"W)

2) Hawaii - World Key available from noon 07/21/2019 local time (21°17'35.4"N 157°50'50.7"W)

3) Beijing - World Key available 07/19/2019 - 4pm 07/21/2019 local time (39°56'39.99"N 116°28'45.50"E). The same Beijing key will also be delivered to those who submit the final work at the hackathon: https://dorahacks.com/4thindustrialrevolution/

1 additional key will be delivered to everyone who also documents their process of Key retrieval (the whole process) and subsequently posts it on any platform- Twitter, Youtube, etc...

Email us (huntwithsatoshi@gmail.com) the video link with the subject "Cache01Video" and you will have the additional key

Limit 1 additional key per cache for each hunter.

3 more World Key locations TBA...