_____       _            _     _ _       _____
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 `--. \/ _` | __/ _ \/ __| '_ \| | / __|   | | '__/ _ \/ _` / __| | | | '__/ _ \
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Taipei 101

One key and additional $1000 in BTC have been distributed at all corners of Taipei by our agents.

The treasure is split into a set of 5 pieces. One set of 5 pieces will be distributed at Taipei ABS (Asia Blockchain Summit) 2019 on July 2nd and July 3rd. Another duplicate set has been distributed and is now available within a small radius of all locations provided below

1.) 25°03'25.4"N 121°32'43.2"E

2.) 25°02'35.1"N 121°33'08.7"E

3.) 25°01'24.1"N 121°32'32.1"E

4.) 25°02'38.6"N 121°30'26.5"E

5.) 25°03'03.0"N 121°34'38.4"E

See you in Taipei!